2014 and the future of my blogging...

January 03, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

I'm not gonna lie. Having a facebook page gave me an outlet that I didn't have before and being half asian (I like numbers!!!), the facebook page analytics really appealed to my "wow that's a lot of likes and views on a picture!" type nature. So that being said, hopefully I can keep the blog updated with projects this year and (*gasp!*) link them from my FB. Doing my blog posts here (on wallydyerphotography.com) and importing the older ones (from wallydyer.com) means I might be letting wallydyer.com go. Maybe...

I've never been one to talk much on my blogs but let me outline a few things I want to change this year:

1) Backlinking. Or whatever you cool kids of the SEO realm call it. I want to link people to what they NEED.

2) REAL Networking. I used to think networking was when you use other people to get something you need. Incorrect. Networking is when you have a friend who has a need and a friend who has a service and you put them together. EVERYONE wins. I forget ALL THE TIME to get information from other vendors at weddings so I can network them to brides and grooms in need. I realize this needs to change. Six weddings already booked this year so hopefully it does.

3) Blogging. I generally suck at it but I want to post at least a picture of whatever it is that I've been working on and a short explanation. Just like my old blog but here.

4) Be relevant. Yes, you're here for pictures but I need to give you  more than that. WHY did I take a picture? HOW did I take a picture? What blogs do I read to keep me up to date in the photography world? What magazines? Etc, etc. :)

Those will be the main things that need to change. Hopefully I can make those happen. :)


So as in my classic blog fashion... here are some pictures!!!  As always, ENJOY!!!

I recently was hired to shoot a concert for the legendary (in the Christian music community) Phillips, Craig, and Dean.


Here they are singing a few classic Christmas carols. Can't you tell by the lighting? :)

Phillips Craig and DeanPhillips Craig and Dean



So the microphone modifier you see there is a 90 degree modifier on it from Granelli Audio Labs out of Baltimore. I know the musicians will appreciate that!!! The djembe sounded great!

Here you can see the 90* angle SM57 adapter from Granelli studios, right here in baltimore. The musicians out there know what I'm talking about!Here you can see the 90* angle SM57 adapter from Granelli studios, right here in baltimore. The musicians out there know what I'm talking about!


I love this picture simply because this tour bassist is rocking out!!

Just one more. I love this picture of their tour bassist rocking out. Just epic!Just one more. I love this picture of their tour bassist rocking out. Just epic!


My next blog post? Maybe some pictures from my brother's wedding in December. They hired a photographer in Mexico but I had to bring my camera along ;)






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